Periodization UXO Supplements


Why is it that powerlifters take a longer break in between sets as compared to most bodybuilders?  Periodization is important and plays a huge role in your training style. Research found that takin...

bigger bootyB-Stance-Hip-Thrusts UXO Supplements

B Stance Hip Thrusts

B Stance Hip thrusts: Molly takes you through the instructions on how to properly perform this glute focuses exercise.

bigger armsTrain-Legs-Arms-Together UXO Supplements

Train Legs & Arms Together?

We love finding intriguing studies considering hypertrophy and muscle growth. Several recent studies have surfaced examining the benefits of training arms immediately following legs versus just tra...

fitnessAre-You-Overtraining UXO Supplements

Are You Overtraining?

What is an over-trainer? Over-trainers work out at very high intensity or high volume. Is there anything wrong with this type of training? Not necessarily . . . unless you spend long periods train...

bigger glutesSquats-for-Hamstring-Growth UXO Supplements

Squats for Hamstring Growth?

  Squats are an amazing exercise for leg development and core strength. But let's look closer at leg development . . . Squatting is great for quad and glutes, but what about Hamstrings?? Recent st...

bigger bootyDeficit-Rear-Lunges-with-a-Glute-Focus UXO Supplements

Deficit Rear Lunges with a Glute Focus

Deficit Rear Lunges (Glute Focused) This Training Tip Tuesday is for the ladies!! Grow your Glutes with coach Molly Greer! Deficit a reverse Lunges with a Glute Focus. ✅ Grab a weight plate or ...