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Time under tension (TUT) is a popular training technique that involves controlling the tempo of your lifts to increase muscle tension and stimulate muscle growth. By manipulating the duration of e...

Pump. What is it and how can it help your hypertrophy training? Pump is defined as an increase in the size of muscle cells due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. This fluid c...

5 Ways to increase muscle mass
When it comes to bulking up and adding lean muscle mass, there are many different opinions on how to do it. Some people swear by bodybuilding programs, while others prefer lifting heavy weights. H...

If you're looking to build muscle, increase strength, and improve performance, then you need to be focusing on pump. Pump is the result of increased nitric oxide (NO) production in the body, and i...

We love finding intriguing studies considering hypertrophy and muscle growth. Several recent studies have surfaced examining the benefits of training arms immediately following legs versus just tra...

Let's face it . . . Biceps are a glamor muscle. Every dude wants eye catching biceps with Veins tearing through them. Ladies want arm definition and to feel strong. So maybe you are in a spot where...