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Training to Failure: When and How
When you are working out, do you feel the need to push yourself to failure on every set and every exercise? If so, you are not alone. Many people believe that training to failure is the only way t...

Why is it that powerlifters take a longer break in between sets as compared to most bodybuilders? Periodization is important and plays a huge role in your training style. Research found that takin...

Training To Failure . . . A Tool, Not A Standard
Training to Failure . . . what is it? Just as it sounds. You are completing an exercise to absolute muscle failure. To the point where you cannot perform another single lift. Some in bodybuilding ...
Weight Loss: Getting out of the rut
Why does weight loss stop? You have made some impressive progress in weight loss and were like "Damn, I am good MFers!" In the first week, you might have lost over 5 pounds and maintained an averag...