5-Tips-to-a-Bench-1RM UXO Supplements
build muscle

5 Tips to a Bench 1RM

The bench press is one of the most popular and effective exercises for building upper body strength, and increasing your one rep max on the bench press can be a great way to track your progress an...

bigger arms5-Ways-to-increase-muscle-mass UXO Supplements

5 Ways to increase muscle mass

When it comes to bulking up and adding lean muscle mass, there are many different opinions on how to do it. Some people swear by bodybuilding programs, while others prefer lifting heavy weights. H...

hypertrophyPeriodization UXO Supplements


Why is it that powerlifters take a longer break in between sets as compared to most bodybuilders?  Periodization is important and plays a huge role in your training style. Research found that takin...

bigger arms5 Benefits to having a training partner - UXO Supplements

5 Benefits to having a training partner

I find working out solo has its benefits . . . it allows me to clear my head, and as endorphins release, ideation starts to slip in. This unlocks my creative juices and allows for new energy to fl...

bigger armsWhy deloads are important - UXO Supplements

Why deloads are important

  So what is a deload? A deload is a period of time (3-7 days) in which you perform less volume than usual to assist in overall recovery.  Deloads are an important piece of any long-term training p...

Weight Loss: Getting out of the rut

Why does weight loss stop? You have made some impressive progress in weight loss and were like "Damn, I am good MFers!" In the first week, you might have lost over 5 pounds and maintained an averag...