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Time under tension (TUT) is a popular training technique that involves controlling the tempo of your lifts to increase muscle tension and stimulate muscle growth. By manipulating the duration of e...

Pump. What is it and how can it help your hypertrophy training? Pump is defined as an increase in the size of muscle cells due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. This fluid c...

We love finding intriguing studies considering hypertrophy and muscle growth. Several recent studies have surfaced examining the benefits of training arms immediately following legs versus just tra...

Check out this video to understand how the pump ingredients in SEND IT work to maximize blood flow and improve strength and endurance.
5 Biggest Mistakes You Are Making In Gym
Sometimes exercise is simple. You only need to move around to keep your body strong and healthy. However, it can get complicated when there are different kinds of exercises. It becomes difficult t...

There are many methods to grow a bigger back. One of the easiest methods, that is often overlooked is - focusing on the stretch. On the release of the exercise, allow the weight to pull your back i...