Train-Legs-Arms-Together UXO Supplements
bigger arms

Train Legs & Arms Together?

We love finding intriguing studies considering hypertrophy and muscle growth. Several recent studies have surfaced examining the benefits of training arms immediately following legs versus just tra...

fitnessAre-You-Overtraining UXO Supplements

Are You Overtraining?

What is an over-trainer? Over-trainers work out at very high intensity or high volume. Is there anything wrong with this type of training? Not necessarily . . . unless you spend long periods train...

bigger glutesSquats-for-Hamstring-Growth UXO Supplements

Squats for Hamstring Growth?

  Squats are an amazing exercise for leg development and core strength. But let's look closer at leg development . . . Squatting is great for quad and glutes, but what about Hamstrings?? Recent st...

bigger bootyDeficit-Rear-Lunges-with-a-Glute-Focus UXO Supplements

Deficit Rear Lunges with a Glute Focus

Deficit Rear Lunges (Glute Focused) This Training Tip Tuesday is for the ladies!! Grow your Glutes with coach Molly Greer! Deficit a reverse Lunges with a Glute Focus. ✅ Grab a weight plate or ...

Barbell Rows (Technique tips)

Back Rows can be an amazing exercise for targeting upper and lower back muscles. Let's take a look at how Jasmine is doing them.  1)  The reverse-grip bent-over row is a compound exercise used to...

FITNESS ADVICECollagen-for-Strength-Training UXO Supplements

Collagen for Strength Training

Collagen has become very popular over the past few years. Let’s start by understanding what it is. There are different protein sources out on the market today. Collagen is the protein that makes u...